Friday, April 29, 2016

May Day Knoxville 2016

Celebrate International Workers Day in Knoxville, Tennessee on Sunday, May 1ST 2016.

Put the capitalists in their place.

Rally at W. Fifth and Richards, 2:00 PM - March through the Old City to fascist Duncan Federal Building, conclude in Market Square.
Form March Action Committee and Grievance Committee
4:20 PM - March to Federal Building and voice grievances.
(Route: W. Fifth to Gay Street, to Cumberland, to Cumberland/Locust)
After grievances, march to Union Avenue to Market Square

#OccupyMarketSquare - Inform the capitalists of the logic of Socialism.
Invite them to the revolution!
Afterword: Meet at the People's Public House for post-action festivities and recap.
(Covered overnight shelter across the street)
Please show your solidarity with the victims of capitalism hit harder than you.  Buy a comrade a drink or a meal.
Green vehicles welcome to park in the gated lot pictured above.

 Join in solidarity with the urban pioneers of Rogerostan!

Thank you Knoxville Mercury for helping spread the word!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Update - Bitter Clingers Take Another Life: Knoxville

The bitter clingers are at it again. Twelve-year-old Danny Mayfield was killed by a gun in Knoxville, Tennessee on Saturday night.

On Sunday night, an emotional gathering to honor the life of 12 year old Jajuan Latham. The community came together at Danny Mayfield park, where police say Latham was shot and killed Saturday night.- via WBIR Television

A Knoxville gun ban is long overdue.

Update: The gang unit representative for Knoxville was on one of the fascist talk shows outlining how the police were going to go after gangs. In other words, the police are going to go after the most disenfranchised people in the community rather than finding where all these guns are coming from. Freedom of association is granted by the US constitution but forces behind the scenes obviously want it ignored!

There is no doubt that these guns are brought in from the rich west side and sold under the tables at the Chilhowee Park gun shows in the heart of the urban community. Of course, nothing will be done to those people. The objective is get as many Black men in jail as possible.

Union Made in the New City

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Jim Crow is Back

Jim Crow’s Return: Why Are So Many States Getting Anti-LGBT Legislation Now?

LGBT pride flag

Knoxville's true Progressive paper and blog of record, the Knoxville Mercury, has the lowdown.

Also from the Mercury, men of color making inroads in the National Parks Service.

Cassius Cash, the Smokies’ First African-American Superintendent, Aims to Help the Park Evolve

Cassius Cash by Clay Duda
Union Made in the New City

40,000 Verizon Workers on Strike

Verizon workers on strike in Washington, DC in August 2011. Rick Reinhard

Union Made in the New City

Black Woman Cast As Herpes

GAP ad: This was nothing compared to what came right before it
GAP ad: This was nothing compared to what came right before it
How about the role of herpes played by a Black woman?
The diseased white woman of privilege, Mara Davi, is the only named performer and the only one with a speaking role! The strong Black woman (playing the role of the herpes sore) is vanquished and whiteie girl gets to look tough.  IT HAS BEEN RUNNING SINCE 2013!

It is positively bizarre how blind to racism Americans still are in 2016.  For example, this Pantene ad that has been running since 2015:
The white woman of privilege is fully clothed, while the Black woman (Eden Michael) is scantily wrapped in animal skins, dressed like a Las Vegas sex worker.  At 0:11 the white woman of privilege (Klara Vrtalova) drags the woman of Color all the way across the screen!  "Get over here slave girl! Smile like you like it, if you know what's good for you!"

Union Made in the New City

The Corporatism Stops Now

Via @DanteB4u

Union Made in the New City

Saturday, April 16, 2016


marching at with organizer

Have you heard of Democracy Spring? Probably not if you have been following television news. There is an uprising growing at the US Capitol. The people have had enough of corporate interests running our government. If you want to know more or anything at all, about it, watch the #DemocracySpring page on Twitter and/or follow @DemSpring 

If you are not down with getting a Twitter account, that's cool, you can still watch what is happening on the links without an account. The Knoxville May Day celebration (5/1/2016) will be #DemocracySpring friendly.

Have friends who do not use Twitter? Don't we all! Share the links with them so they can see the news.

Union Made in the New City